-- I will only be teaching the first two weeks of December. For most students this means only two lessons this month. My last regular teaching day will be Thursday, 12/11. Lesson payments for December need to include a $15 per student recital fee . -- The next student recital will be held Saturday, December 13th from 2 to 6pm in the recital hall at CSUEB. Details about this event are posted on this website. -- For students participating in Certificate of Merit this spring, here are the CM dates for 2015: The performance evaluation date will be one of these: 2/14, 2/15, 2/21, or 2/22 The theory testing is either 3/7 or 3/8 (your choice) -- There will be no song of the month for December. -- The regular lesson schedule will resume in the new year on Sunday, January 4th. Have a happy holiday season, Jesse